How to use Clean X UV light
Clean X offers UV light sanitizing when you book our disinfection services.
In addition, our UV lights are for sale or for rent so you can disinfect your space yourself.
Please read our previous post on how ultraviolet lights can kill germs, including viruses.
Because UV lights produce a high energy light, it may become harmful to people and animals.
It is therefore very important for you to READ, UNDERSTAND and FOLLOW this guide.
Failure to do so may lead to skin or eye disease.
Also, please handle the device with care as the bulbs are very fragile.
Content of our UV light package
Our UV light

A wireless adapter

A 3 to 2 pin plug adapter

A remote to activate the light wirelessly.

Step by step guide on how to use Clean X UV light for home or office disinfection
Step 4: make sure the wireless plug adapter is in the OFF position. If you don’t see a red light on the adapter, it means it’s off.

Step 8: Wait 15 minutes

For any question about the use of our UV light or for any inquiry of our cleaning and disinfection service, please contact us.